Monday, March 5, 2012

The Universal Laws of Attraction For Nurses

At a former job I once had a superintendent that hated me. This hatred spawned from a nurse supervisor that had resentments towards me and she told this superintendent horrible lies about me which she decided to believe. When a new nurse manager was hired for our department, all those tales regarding myself were also told to her. Naturally this caused my life there to be very difficult (which was the intent of the nurse supervisor mentioned)..
After a few years of being treated as a threat and a bad nurse/person, the negative energy directed towards me began to wear me down and caused me to begin projecting myself as exactly what these people believed about me.
You see, I came to a point that I began expecting the negativity and in turn I amplified their energy towards myself, which caused me even more of the same as well as causing me to be less effective as a nurse. My own abilities declined as I began having difficulty seeing myself as the good nurse that I in fact was.
Their interpretation of reality became my own reality as my vibration of energy began to harmonize with theirs.
For an empath who hadn’t yet realized that I easily absorb the emotional energy of others, this was often the case (and another subject I’ll write about in the future as we are all empaths to varying degrees).
This is one example of the Universal Law of Attraction at work, and I propose that had I been aware of what I was doing and how it was affecting my experience, I could have changed the outcome as well as relieved myself of a whole lot of stress and anxiety. But then again I’m very grateful, because that experience played a major role in bringing me where I am today.
The LOA is always at work in our lives.
It’s there always responding to our thoughts and emotional vibrations, without judgment, always in perfect match to them.
Our thinking, and most importantly our feelings, set in motion everything in our body and all of our experiences. Upon realizing this is a reality and we take responsibility for our inner self, with practice, we can learn how to use this to our advantage and can consciously create more of the things we desire to experience.
These Laws go back to the beginning of humanity and are real.
Energy attracts other energy with which it’s in vibrational resonance with.
If you pluck the E string of a guitar in proximity of another guitar, the same string on that guitar will begin to vibrate (as long as the two are in tune with each other).
This is how the opera singer breaks the wine glass. If she finds the tone (vibration/frequency) of the wine glass (done by tapping the glass), she can replicate that tone with her voice and the glass will begin to resonate (vibrate) at the same tone and the amplified effect of energy will cause it to shatter.
Have you ever noticed that if you are around someone who is depressed and gloomy you begin to feel depressed and gloomy as well?
This is an example of how your body and emotions are resonating with the emotional energy (vibrations) that this person is projecting upon you.
If enough of that energy is around you, just like the wine glass and the opera singer, you can realize a profound negative effect.
Both the physical and nonphysical aspects of the Universe are made up of energy and intelligence that vibrates. Nothing is ever at rest.
The difference between the physical and nonphysical is the rate of vibration.
The physical is what we can see with our eyes, like a tree or another person, and the nonphysical is that which we cannot see, like a radio wave.
All energy travels in waves. Water, light, air, sound, heat and emotionWaves are vibrations/frequencies and can never be created or destroyed. They only change forms.
Thus, your beliefs are energy too. They create thoughts which convey feelings that are energy and the brain is the most powerful electromagnetic processor ever created.
Once processed, your beliefs and thoughts create an emotion (e = energy = motion). This is where our true power lies.
Do your beliefs cause good feelings, or do they cause suffering?
Positive thinking on it’s own will not get us what we want.
However, being positive is the beginning, or foundation, that we can build on.
To create a new world for ourselves we have to let go of all the self sabotaging beliefs that hold us back and, to be effective and not give up, we must take baby steps in doing so. This takes practice and patience, study and reflection. We need to become immersed in learning and practicing.
We have to become more self aware which requires self honesty.
This is not an easy process but well worth the work. The actual creation process comes from your beliefs, your thoughts, your words and finally you actions, in that order.
We must decide what we want (ask), give it our attention, our energy and focus (believe) and let go of our attachment to the outcome and allow it (receive).
Belief, is the first step in this creation process.
We have to address the fact that we’ve built up a lifetime of subconscious limiting beliefs that must be cleared before we can be in alignment with that which we desire.
We have to re-wire our brains and this is done through repetition. The result is the replacing of old limiting thoughts with new ones.
What we are taught as children, as well as from past negative experiences, is that whatever result that comes from an act, expect more of the same. We tend to believe these expectations are a means of protecting ourselves. This is a great defense mechanism in regards to dangers like hot stoves, but in fact, when this defense mechanism is applied to situations of the heart, they actually bring us more of the same as the Universe interprets our expectations as desires.
When we are hurt in a relationship, we are then leery/suspect of further relationships. The Universe interprets this as an expected desire and always wants to give us that which we desire. Going into a new relationship with suspicion and negative expectations is not the best formula for success is it? Hence, another bad outcome.
But, you might say, “What if I have great expectations? Then if it goes wrong, I’ll be hurt even more!”
Have you ever done something that had an essence of danger for the thrill of it? Were you focused on the danger or the thrill? My guess is that you were focused on the enjoyment of the thrill, or you likely wouldn’t have done it otherwise.
I have a fear of performing my martial arts skills in front of an audience. This results in a profound negative result when I do my rank testing. It causes me to become very nervous and I forget things and make mistakes that I never otherwise make. It also causes me to dread rank testings and therefore to not enjoy them.

This is something I have to learn to overcome and the biggest obstacle is learning to believe in myself in order to become more confident (belief = confidence). Won’t this, in turn, naturally cause me to improve immensely resulting in a more positive outcome?
While I know this sounds simple, I’m not meaning to imply that it’s easy. But, with persistent focus on the task of believing, we can re-wire our brain and accomplish it.
The cold hard fact is, doubts, fear and suspicion works against us, not for us.
By now, if not in the beginning, you have realized that I am a believer in the LOA. But, if you think I have it all down pat in my life, I regret that you’re mistaken. I am and always will be a work in progress, but I know I’m on the right path because I’ve seen it work in my life in the short time since being exposed to it.
It has changed my life, allowing me to accomplish, do and experience things, that just a short while ago I didn’t believe to be possible.
My being able to start my own business and make a living, in part, telling you about these things and working with the awesome people now in my life are a direct result of re-creating my life by setting my purpose and intent, dropping my baggage (I’m still dropping) and moving forward inbelieving and being what I desire, and not looking back.
I’m still a meat eating, sometimes foolish and often fallible man. But through the guidance and support of some great coach’s and colleagues, and the awesome positive energy they project at me, I’m advancing at warp speed!
I’m “burning the bridges to my past” and I go down my new path taking baby steps one at a time, with anticipation and excitement.

It’s my intent and desire that my fellow nurses experience the same and my hope that you’ll consider what I’ve expressed to you in this series of articles.

I would really love to hear you responses on this and other subjects. Questions and/or suggestions on things you’d like me to write about in the future would also be welcome!
Just place you comments below and please subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss anything as I’ll be expanding on it soon with several articles from myself and other nurses in my circle.

There are many new things coming at so stay tuned,and if you would like to submit your own article to be shared here please contact me!
All the best!
Coach Perg

The 7 Laws Of Attraction For Nurses

Last week we talked about how the LOA (Law of Attraction) is said to have an effect on each of our lives and the lives of those around us (within our energy field and beyond).
We talked about the theory of “like attracts like” and that positive/negative thinking bring about positive/negative results.
I might add that this theory goes farther than just relating to our thoughts.
It is a combination of our thoughts and “feelings”.
After all, it is our feelings that bring about our thoughts (positive/negative). And that if we can control our “feelings”, our thoughts will follow.
We also talked last week about the somewhat special circumstances of nurses in the field and the effect these conditions have on our minds and therefore the energy we emit that affects us as well as those around us.
(I confess that I am tempted to relate the term “field” to the analogy of “trenches”. But as we study this subject my conscious awareness dictates to impart a higher level of energy to our conversation at this point and not inject such a negative image. And so, the teacher learns by “teaching”.)
This week I want to introduce what are called The 7 Laws of Attraction.
These 7 Laws are individual elements broken down into subsets of the main Law. They teach that we attract things into our lives based on our beliefs (being), thoughts, words and actions (all relating to our “feelings”). These are the tools of “creation”.
When these tools are used in that specific order, this is how we are able to consciously “create” our world.
The 7 Laws Of Attraction
(as taken from The
1) The Law of Manifestation:
Consciousness is always a choice. It’s the choice to bring your awareness to the present moment, the decision to see and prioritize that which is truly important, that which is genuinely honoring and the value enhancing in your life. Our constant question must be: What am I focusing my consciousness on right now? Then the question that follows is: What might this consciousness be creating for me?
2) The Law of Magnetism:
We can only attract the same kind of energy that we put out ourselves. The Universe is filled with vibration that scientists call “strings” of energy, it moves within us, from and all around us literally all of the time, whether we are aware of it or not. Each of us is a part of a vast exchange and expansion of this force that takes place in the Universe every moment of every day.
3) The Law of Pure Desire (or Unwavering Desire):
When you’re driven by pure intention, free of fear, doubt and desperation you can be certain of a beneficial outcome. For your wishes to be pure you must genuinely believe that you are worthy of what you want.
4) The Law of Paradoxical Intent (or Delicate Balance):
Desperation creates the Paradox, in warning that you’ll get a return of your negative energy, if you’re desperate to make things happen. That repulsive vibration will push it away, turning away the very people and situations that might bring your desired outcome. You are bound to push away the very thing that you’re desperate to have. Think about the appreciation that you’ll have at the fruition of your goals and choose to feel the gratitude for what you have in your life right now. You can get what you want by knowing that you don’t need it to be happy.
5) The Law of Harmony (or Synchronization):
When you consciously choose to create balance and align yourself with the Universe, your intention and energy open the flood gates of Universal abundance, allowing you access to all the insights, power and blessings that the world has to offer. Align your energy with yourself, with others and with the Universal flow.
6) The Law of Right Action (or Conscientious Action):
Your energy is self-perpetuating in the world. Value, honor, and dignity will increase in your life to the same degree that you promote them in the environment around you. On the other hand if your actions work to tear down the value, honor or dignity of others, then that destruction will return to you according to this principle. There is one core question that you must ask yourself about every choice and that question is: “Is this honoring to myself and others?”
7) The Law of Expanding Influence (or Universal Influence):
Energy expands in the world and has influence in your personal arena and in the world at large. You can and do have an impact on everything, from the productivity of your company and the harmony of your family, all the way to the peace of the world! The power of your own personal vibration becomes global by virtue of the law. When you choose to live with reverence in your heart and direct it toward those around you, that positive energy spreads to all your circles of influence and eventually your intention for harmony expands in consciousness of every human being. Every thought and every deed plants a new seed in the garden of our destiny.
Being aware of all 7 Laws Of Attraction should help you to relate this principle to your everyday life. When making your choices about how to be, think, speak, or act… always be conscious of these principles and, by Law, what you are attracting back to you.
Okay. So now we know the Laws that this proposal is based on. I must say that for myself they make perfect sense and explain a lot in relationship to my life and my experiences.
How about you?
I’d love to hear what you thought and felt as you read through these Laws, or if you have already been exposed to them and strive to live by them, I’d love to hear how doing so has affected your life, so please leave your comments.
Next week we’ll explore another set of Laws which are called Universal Laws
These Laws relate to the purpose of the Universe. As we were all created by the Universe (God), there is much we can learn by considering the purpose as well as considering how the Universe works.
For our purpose we don’t have to be Quantum Physicist’s to comprehend what I’ll be talking about (I’m certainly not one!).
Don’t worry, in the end we will bring this all back to nurses and how we can (according to this belief) change our lives as well as enhance the field of health care.
I’ll leave you with a parting thought that I am currently considering in relation to this lesson:
Could this all somehow be related to the fact that hospitals are known to be the most unhealthy environment to be in as a patient? Remember the common sentiments that we nurses all know? “Hospitals will make you sick.” “If you want to get sick, just go to a hospital.”
While we all, of course, know that nosocomial infections are rampant in hospitals because of the environment, could it be possible that a contributing factor may be not only that ill patients are compromised because of their illness, but that their immune systems may also be compromised by the effect that staff mindset inadvertently imposes on them?
Hope to hear from you and see you next week!
Coach Perg